“Don't confuse speed with haste!” That's the old adage.
At TEMO, we take the time to think our products through, so that they're smart but also durable and highly repairable.
We pay particular attention to sourcing sturdy, high-quality components, giving preference to local French or European partnerships that commit themselves to us on the reliability of the materials and the seriousness of the associated services.
Our TEMO.450 and TEMO.1000 outboard motors are now certifiedOrigine France garantie. This guarantee of quality is in line with our CSR approach and testifies to our commitment to our region, to employment and to the manufacture of high value-added products.
A life cycle designed to last
Each of our motors is assembled in sub-assemblies, easily interchangeable and repairable as required. Ourcustomer servicedepartment, based in Brittany, France, provides fast, local maintenance and support for all our products.
Our commitment goes even further, covering the entire life cycle of our motors, fromdesignto collection for recycling:
- We have opened a
reconditioning service for used units to give them a second life.
As a voluntary member of the industrial and packaging EPR networkindustrielle et “emballage”, TEMO s'implique dans la gestion de ses produits jusqu'à leur fin de vie.
Ensemble, valorisons le savoir-faire, et le savoir-réparer, pour une plaisance plus durable et plus engagée !
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