TEMO 450

The first electroportable 

propulsion solution

Responsible, universal and light, the TEMO·450 propulsion solution looks after both boaters and the environment.
Designed to correspond to all profiles and practices, TEMO's electric outboard motors allow you to do dinghy transfers and to manoeuvre in port or in an anchorage without straining your body or mind! 

 Light and portable 

Weighing less than 5 kg (11 lbs) and with a unique design combining motor, battery and control unit, the TEMO·450 is practical and ultra-compact.

Whether you're on your bike or the boat, you can take it anywhere with you in its protective carrying case without effort. MAGIC!


Extremely simple, the TEMO·450 has been designed to suit all uses thanks to its telescopic size (from 130 to 170 cm / 4 to 5,5 ft) and its multi-position AMBIDEXTROUS HANDLE ensuring your well-being and full control in all situations..

With simple design that belies its expert technicality, the TEMO·450 answers the essential needs and allows you to perform all your manoeuvres with one hand, or even with just one finger.


With its 450W motor and optimised efficiency, the TEMO·450 offers 200W of propulsive power allowing you to propel your boat in up to 3 knots of current.

Drawing just 20 cm (0,6 ft), it allows you to approach any shoreline and to beach your dinghy without risk of damage.
You need more power? Discover the new TEMO·1000   


TEMO·450 on a Catamaran

No need for complicated mounting or installation. Whether you hold it on your hands or use a single rowlock (fixed or removable), the TEMO·450 can be used on multiple craft and in all waters (even the shallowest).
The TEMO·450 is extremely robust and can propel sailing boats up to 500 kg (1100 lbs) or 2.5m (8 ft) tenders with two or three people on board.


Practical and ELECTRIC! With the TEMO·450 you don't need to remove the battery to recharge it. Plug it directly into a 220V or 12V or 24V socket and enjoy one hour of cruising speed. Enough to carry out all your day-to-day transfers and get ashore or out to your boat with peace of mind.

 Made in France  

As well as to being an environmentally friendly solution with no direct emissions, the TEMO·450 is Made in France, between Brittany and the Pays de la Loire region. Supported by the know-how of the very best local partners and industry, TEMO is developing with a responsible and quality commitment.

 Tutoriel complet  


Find out all our tips for getting the most out of your TEMO·450 electric motor!    

 Tutoriel complet  


Find out all our tips for getting the most out of your TEMO·450 electric motor!    

TEMO450 Specifications

Moteur Puissance du moteur 450 W
Puissance propulsive 200 W
Poussée statique 12 kg
Chargement 220 V ou 12 V
Temps de recharge en 220 V 3h30
Tension nominale 25 V

Utilisation Angle  d'inclinaison  30° max
Accélération Progressive sur gâchette
Commande Marche avant / arrière

Design Poids total en kg 4,9 kg

130 à 170 cm
Diamètre de l'hélice tripale 17,5 cm
Etanchéité IP67
Conception TEMO
Design Chedal Anglay Design

Características TEMO·450

Motor Potencia del motor
450 W
Potencia propulsora
200 W
Potencia estática
12 kg
220 V, 12 V o 24 V
Tiempo de carga a 220 V
Voltaje nominal
25 V

Uso Ángulo de inclinación ideal
30° max
Progresivo con gatillo

Peso total en kg
4,9 kg

130 a 170 cm
Diámetro de la hélice de 3 palas
17,5 cm
Concepto TEMO
Chedal Anglay Design


Motor Motor power 450 W
Propulsive power 200 W
Static thrust 12 kg
Charging 220 V or 12 V/ 24 V
Charging time with 220 V 3h30
Nominal voltage
25 V

Ideal angle of inclination
Acceleration Progressive acceleration on trigger
Controls Ahead / astern

Design Total weight in kg
4,9 kg

130 to 170 cm
3-Bladed propeller diameter
17,5 cm
Waterproof rating
Concept TEMO
Design Chedal Anglay Design

Merkmale des TEMO·450

Motor Leistung des Motors
450 W
200 W
Statischer Schub
12 kg
220 V or 12 V/ 24 V
Ladezeit bei 220 V
25 V

Idealer Neigungswinkel
Progressiv am Drücker
Vorwärts- / Rückwärts- Gang

Design Gesamtgewicht in kg
4,9 kg

130 bis 170 cm
Durchmesser des Propellers
17,5 cm
Design Chedal Anglay Design

Find a dealer in your area

TEMO·450 near you

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Contacta a nuestros expertos locales de Disvent. Podránresponder a todas sus preguntas e indicarles cuál sería la tienda más cercana.

Zona Canárias 

Rubén Medina

T : +34 93 363 6388
[email protected]

Zona España peninsular y Baleares

Javier Aguiló

T : +34 93 363 6385
[email protected]

O contacta al equipo de TEMO. 

Equipo TEMO

T : +33 9 70 70 38 80
[email protected]  

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Try a TEMO electric outboard.

If you try it, you’ll want one. To meet a TEMO, you can :

  • meet us at one of our many trade shows
  • Visit an official TEMO dealer
  • Contact a TEMO ambassador
  • Consult user reviews


Comparing TEMO Electric Outboard Motors.

Are the TEMO electric motors powerful enough for my use?
Is there going to be sufficient range?

Your uncertainty is perfectly understandable.
To help see things more clearly, take a look at our comparison of motors according to the size and weight of your boat and the conditions found in your sailing area. 

Compare TEMO motors


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Some questions?

Yes, TEMO is 100% watertight within the IP67 certification.
Which means it can stay under water during 30 minutes at 1 meter deep.

TEMO will only float few seconds but will quickly sink afterwards. We offer a buoyancy kit as an accessory.
Please note that TEMO is also delivered with its rowlock fixation which will allow you to fix TEMO on board and avoid any risk of falling into the water.

Yes of course !
Even if TEMO is very light and can be easily carried away in its transport bag, it can also be left on your boat.
TEMO offers an anti-theft device (available in our accessories) to secure TEMO when you are gone.
Also note that TEMO has a magnetic safety key that acts as a circuit breaker. Without the key, the engine cannot start (thief refrain!).

If you currently use the oar, sculling or small engine (equivalent or less than 2CV) for your transfers by tender, TEMO will fit perfectly. It is 3 times more powerful than a single person rowing.
Generally speaking, TEMO will be able to propel boats up to 2m50 with 2/3 people on board and loaded with equipment.
And you have any doubt, please contact-us !

The speed of TEMO can be adjusted by squeezing the trigger. If you keep the trigger held in, you will have up to 42 minutes of autonomy. And up to 80 minutes at half speed.

Please find the complete FAQ
