A strong commitment to transparency, the environment and employment
Origine France Garantie certification makes the “Made in France” label official for TEMO products. Unlike the latter, which is not regulated, the OFG label is issued by an independent certification body. It guarantees that the brand's products meet strict criteria: over 50% of the cost price of TEMO·450 , TEMO·450 carbon and TEMO·1000 (77%) outboards is of French origin, and these products acquire their essential characteristics during manufacture in France. Assembly of the TEMO·450 and TEMO·450 carbon versions is carried out by subcontractor SERCEL in Carquefou, while the TEMO·1000 engines are assembled at TEMO's head office in Vannes.
Retour sur la labélisation OFG des moteurs hors-bord électriques TEMO
Justine PERUSSEL, TEMO co-founder - “At TEMO, our commitment to French and European production has always been strong,” says TEMO co-founder Justine Perussel. “Whenever we can, and as long as it meets our quality requirements, we favor collaborations with local partners or suppliers. Obtaining this label reaffirms our CSR approach and testifies to our commitment to promoting the region, employment and the manufacture of high value-added products. ”
TEMO the French manufacturer of electric motors
OFG label auditors analyzed the entire manufacturing process (costs and locations), and examined the origin of parts and sub-components before awarding TEMO certification. It offers consumers a guarantee that every stage of production complies with strict standards for hazardous materials, social and environmental concerns, and helps to promote French know-how while supporting the local economy.
Here are the main advantages of Origine France Garantie certification:
- Transparency
Transparency By obtaining this certification, TEMO provides its customers with clear, reliable information on the origin of its products. Every OFG-certified TEMO motor offers complete traceability, far from the usual customs complexities. - Environment
Manufacturing in France also means making a commitment to reducing our carbon footprint by promoting short supply chains and complying with strict environmental standards. - Employment and local know-how
By purchasing products certified Origine France Garantie, consumers are defending local employment and supporting France's economic sovereignty by preserving know-how that is often unique.
The guarantee of OFG certification by AFNOR Certification
AFNOR, holder of the license to use the Origine France Garantie trademark, sells this license as a sub-license to companies wishing to be audited. As guarantor of the label, AFNOR Certification ensures that TEMO complies with all the criteria required to benefit from the right to use the Origine France Garantie label. TEMO product sheet - Origine France Garantie
TEMO - Origine France Garantie