The n°1 electroportable propulsion solution for tenders.​

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Already trusted by more than 4000 boaters.









TEMO, des moteurs 100% électriques, légers, puissants, faciles à installer et fabriqués en France. A partir de 1590€.

More information

Eco-friendly and economical

Up to 1h autonomy per charge for a 2,5m tender carrying up to 3  people.

For all kind of crafts

Suitable for dinghies, kayaks, small sailboats... No more rowing with the TEMO·450 100% electric sculler.

You say it best 

Temo.450 is light, clean, non-polluting, easy to use and to store.
It is the opinion of a user with more than 75 years of sailing.

Jean-Pierre / Finistère

If it didn't exist, it would have to be invented! It revolutionizes our sport: cleaner, lighter, smaller and Made in France.

Manuel / Morbihan  

Very satisfied with my trips between the beach and my mooring in a gusty force 4. 
It's simple, light, quiet with no exhaust smell and requires no maintenance. 

Mathieu / Saint-Malo 

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