Lucie BAHUAUD 3 new exclusive partners TEMO is continuing to grow and is now announcing the arrival of 3 new exclusive partners who will enable the brand to accelerate its international development. In Europe, the SME now based in Britta... #EN #TEMO Communiqué 21 Dec 2023 Press section
Lucie BAHUAUD TEMO·450 won the IBEX Innovation Award and is now the most rewarded product in the nautical industry The TEMO team is back from the IBEX boat show in Florida. Each year, a panel of judges from the marine industry selects the most innovative products from a shortlist of around one hundred nominees. TE... #EN Communiqué Récompenses 16 Oct 2023 News
Lucie BAHUAUD TEMO·450 duel : understanding how the battery gauge works For this test, we headed to the seaside resort of Quimiac on France’s Atlantic coast, in the company of Thibaut and Carmin. The aim was to set off from Quimiac beach and cross to Pénestin, testing two... #EN #TEMO #blog News 10 Oct 2023 Tests and tutorials
Lucie BAHUAUD V.I.E interview The V.I.E., The Volunteer for International Experience program, is a scheme that allows young talents to work abroad for a period of 6 to 24 months. For companies, it is a unique opportunity to recrui... #EN #TEMO News 12 Apr 2023 News
Carmin Douillard TEMO, the electric outboard motor for the MiniCat The good weather is already here and you are dreaming of getting away and having fun sailing. TEMO has tested the MiniCat 310 inflatable catamaran at its headquarters in Nantes. And it's Thibaut from ... #TEMO #blog 17 Mar 2023 Tests and tutorials
Lucie BAHUAUD Meetings in the 4 corners of the world TEMO Tour Hold on to your hats! At the beginning of this year 2023, TEMO has taken to the sea and made stopovers all over the world! Between Helsinki, Goteborg, Miami, the commercial tour in Italy and... #EN #TEMO News 9 Mar 2023 News
Justine PERUSSEL TEMO brings his electric-powered outboard motor to the US market L'entreprise française TEMO, fabricant du premier moteur hors-bord électro-portatif TEMO·450, fait son entrée sur le marché américain. La start-up pionnière dans l’électro-portatif marinisé a connu un... #EN #TEMO Communiqué 26 Sep 2022 Press section
Justine PERUSSEL New successful fundraising for TEMO Nantes, 31st January 2022. French electric outboard motor brand TEMO signs its second round of financing and raises €1.5m to expand its range and boost exports. Renewed trust from historic shareholder... #EN #TEMO #blog Communiqué 1 Feb 2022 Press section
Clémence Vollaire Paris Boat Show 2021: the “best of” Innovations Following the Paris Boat Show, TEMO shares with you the latest innovations in the world of boating. Boats like no other, a revolutionary jet-ski, a cover that does away with the need for antifouling, ... #EN #ES #TEMO #blog News 18 Jan 2022 News
Clémence Vollaire Short history of boat propulsion Petite histoire de la propulsion des bateaux Faire avancer un bateau : un défi relevé avec succès depuis fort longtemps, mais non sans peine ! Certains moyens de propulsion, comme la voile ou la rame ... #blog 12 Oct 2020 News