Justine PERUSSEL How to prepare for going boating with novices? How to prepare for going boating with novices? Last week, TEMO organised its team day. The famous “team-building” exercise for getting together, taking a step back from the last few months where we’ve... #DE #EN #TEMO #blog 19 Oct 2020
Justine PERUSSEL TEMO, the innovative technology TEMO, the innovative technology We're often asked how we managed to put that much power into such a light, small and stylish product. While we can't disclose all of our secrets, we'll share with you t... #DE #EN #ES #TEMO 2 Oct 2020 News
Justine PERUSSEL Using your dinghy safely Using your dinghy safely The dinghy is your essential craft for getting ashore when cruising, but it can also give rise to sometimes dramatic accidents. A subject at the heart of TEMO's business, whic... #EN #blog 20 Sep 2020 Tests and tutorials
Justine PERUSSEL Press release : TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaignand is delivering its first electric motors for boats. Nantes, 7th September 2020 Presented for the first time in October 2019 during the Mille Sabor... #EN #ES Communiqué 9 Sep 2020 Press section
Justine PERUSSEL From idea to product: Prototype From idea to product - #2 Creating the prototype Once the draft design TEMO - the new generation dinghy motor - had been started, the feasibility of the concept had to be assessed. Several studies wer... #DE #EN #ES TEMO 6 May 2020 News
Justine PERUSSEL From the idea to production From the idea to production #1 The design of TEMO Christophe Chedal Anglay is a designer. He has worked for major clients such as Rossignol and Tefal. He has built a reputation thanks to his flagship ... #DE #EN #ES TEMO 3 Apr 2020 News