Justine PERUSSEL Using your dinghy safely Using your dinghy safely The dinghy is your essential craft for getting ashore when cruising, but it can also give rise to sometimes dramatic accidents. A subject at the heart of TEMO's business, whic... #EN #blog 20 Sep 2020 Tests and tutorials
Antoine GUILBAUD Success for TEMO Electric Motors TEMO dans le Figaro Nautisme "Le petit moteur électroportatif TEMO ne cesse de faire de nouveaux adeptes" Après avoir été révélé au grand public en octobre 2019 lors du salon mille Sabords, l’entrepri... Parution 13 Sep 2020 Press section
Justine PERUSSEL Press release : TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaignand is delivering its first electric motors for boats. Nantes, 7th September 2020 Presented for the first time in October 2019 during the Mille Sabor... #EN #ES Communiqué 9 Sep 2020 Press section