Antoine GUILBAUD How to winterize your TEMO·450 electric motor? Winterizing is a crucial step for all marine equipment, and electric motors are no exception. Protecting your motor during the cold months limits the effects of corrosion, preserves the battery and co... #DE #EN #ES #TEMO #blog 26 Nov 2024
Clémence Vollaire Safe sailing for the family Casting off for a weekend, a week or longer on a boat: the dream of many sea lovers. But is it possible to sail serenely when you’ve got the children on board? Yes, it is, by adopting just a few measu... #EN #ES #TEMO #blog 23 Jun 2022
Antoine GUILBAUD Test report TEMO-450 : More than just a warning light, but what's does it mean ? This summer, we embarked on a tour of France in collaboration with our partner stores that are located all along the coastline. It was also the ideal opportunity to shoot loads of videos in the great ... #ES #TEMO #blog Test report 3 Sep 2021
Clémence Vollaire Sail in fresh water with TEMO Naviguer sur des rivières, observer les oiseaux ou s’initier à la pêche en eau douce : des activités ludiques et accessibles à tous. Saviez-vous qu’avec une petite embarcation équipée de TEMO vous pou... #ES #TEMO #blog 24 Mar 2021