Antoine GUILBAUD Test report TEMO-450: USHIP 250 dinghy The TEMO-450 is an electric outboard motor for dinghies and small sailing boats. We're getting an increasing number of questions about the capabilities of this TEMO electric motor and its adaptability... #blog Test report 3 Sep 2021
Clémence Vollaire Sail in fresh water with TEMO Naviguer sur des rivières, observer les oiseaux ou s’initier à la pêche en eau douce : des activités ludiques et accessibles à tous. Saviez-vous qu’avec une petite embarcation équipée de TEMO vous pou... #ES #TEMO #blog 24 Mar 2021
Justine PERUSSEL How to prepare for going boating with novices? How to prepare for going boating with novices? Last week, TEMO organised its team day. The famous “team-building” exercise for getting together, taking a step back from the last few months where we’ve... #DE #EN #TEMO #blog 19 Oct 2020
Justine PERUSSEL Using your dinghy safely Using your dinghy safely The dinghy is your essential craft for getting ashore when cruising, but it can also give rise to sometimes dramatic accidents. A subject at the heart of TEMO's business, whic... #EN #blog 20 Sep 2020